Saint Mary's Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
Fr. L’ubomír J. Strečok, Administrator
1405 5th Avenue
Altoona PA 16602
Liturgical Ministries (contact Rectory Office 814-942-2416)
Altar Server
Boys or girls serve at the altar during Mass one or more times per month and during special Liturgies and Holy Days. Must be in 4th Grade or older. All boys and girls who are at least in 4th grade are invited to become altar servers. If your child is interested in serving at Mass or you have questions, please contact Debbie Bartley at 814-944-5951.
Proclaim the Word of God and read Prayers of the Faithful at one or more Masses per month and on Holy Days.
Eucharistic Minister
Assist at Communion during Mass one or more times per month; may also take Communion to hospital patients and shut-ins.
Gift Bearers
Families volunteer to process the wine and host to the altar for consecration during Mass one or more times per month.
Greet those entering the church, pass out books, help seat people, take up collections, and distribute the Marian after Mass.
Music Ministry:
Marian Choir (contact the Rectory 814-942-2416)
Provide music for designated Week-end Masses, Christmas, and Easter
Bell Choir (contact Rectory Office 814-942-2416)
Provide approved modern Christian music at designated Week-end Masses
Bishop Guilfoyle Academy Pre-K to Grade 5 (Contact Mrs. Elaine Spencer, Principal; Ms. Cathy Damiano (944-1250) Provides private education for children in grades Pre K thru 5.
Religious Education (Contact Debbie Bartley 934-9335)
Catechism instruction for children of the parish in grades 1 thru 11 that attend public school. Religious Education classes are held on Sunday Mornings from 9:00 – 10:15 for grades K - 11. Please see the calendar on the Religious Education Page.
RCIA (Christian Initiation of Adults) (Contact Jim Mock)
A faith-filled journey for adults who are not yet baptized wanting to be baptized and for adults choosing to enter into full communion with the Catholic faith. Those who missed the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation are part of this class. Volunteers are needed to be sponsors, catechists, and team members.
Parish Life Committee Events
Free Events sponsored for Families such as Donut Sunday, Covered Dish Lunches, Graduate Recognition, Halloween Family Fun Fest, Family Christmas Party, Nursing Home Christmas Caroling.